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Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm Back

In between my writing, I do love to have a bit of a chat/bitch about things. Most of the time I'm probably talking out of my arse, but that's never stopped me in the past.
So when you read a post and you feel the need to comment, don't hold back, I do love feedback, ever so much.
I'm not sure how regular this will be, and most likely will be blogging on the run, as when I'm home, I'm usually buried nose deep in screenplays.
I will also use this as a way to talk about my project and whats currently happening in movie land, which brings me sadly to the topic on many peoples lips today.
James Gandolfini dies of suspected heart attack, age 51. Very sad news, the man was a fantastic actor and has left the world with a body of work it won't soon forget.

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