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Monday, April 9, 2012


Yes, you read correctly, as I get back into the Filmmason blogging frame of mind I plan to start interviewing people again, if you skip back a bit in the blog history, you will find a nice selection of interviews from people such as scream queen Brinke Stevens to SPX wizz Howard Berger.

I have put out the word and so far two has responded, one is an editor of a current magazine I'm sure most of you have read at some stage of your lives, the other is a FX legend on the large and small screen. Keep your eyes peeled! Post your guesses below.....

*UPDATE* Three more people have agreed to interviews, one is an actor with a ton of genre work under his belt.

One is a world class SFX artist and the third is a director and I can guarantee at least one of his films will be in your top ten films ever. Hohoho, it feels like Christmas.