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Monday, April 9, 2012

Captain America 2

April the 4th 2014 is the official release date for the Captain's second film. It makes me laugh how studios just set dates now and no matter the concessions made, rush to make that date. It kinda reminds me of a scene from the original Die Hard where one of the bad guys is doing something with a ton of wires, some delicate fiddly work, his brother arrives and starts chainsawing the thing so the other brother has to rush as fast as he can. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? No?

Anyway. It seems as though we aren't going to get any more adventures in the past for Mr. Rodgers, I'm guessing it will be set post events of The Avengers film, quite what it will include is any ones guess, but I'm sure Marvel and their chainsaw will ensure it gets done one way or another.

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