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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

G.I Joe 2 - Trailer 2

This looks like great fun, I really loved the first one, I know a lot of you didn't and that's why I don't like you any more.

This has 100% more Rock and Bruno, so it can't possible be bad. Watch, love it, be happy my friends!

Coooooool Toys!

Wow! Where were these when I was a kid, maybe when my dad was a kid, but not my generation, and not this cool.

These little gems are from Diamond Select, 7' Universal Monsters and they are breath taking, I want them all now.

Toys'R'Us have them in the states, but I think most comic shops over here in Australia, or collector Toyworld's should carry them.

I'll have these for my birthday thank you...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mel Gibson's 'Come Dine With Me' Audition!

Oh Mel, you try so hard to clean up your reputation but with every baby step forward, you then jump a train and race backwards for a week.

This little conversation (?) was recorded in December. The person he is (mainly) aiming his screams at at are screen writer, Joe Eszterhas, unfortunately his wife and 15 year old son were also present, as was screen writer Randell Wallace (Braveheart) along with his wife.

I believe they were the ones to get the cheerful invite to have dinner. Does anyone else think Mel has A: Problems, and B: Is probably done in Hollywood?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Althony Hitchkins?

Did you know Anthony Hopkins was playing Alfred Hitchcock in picture about the making of Psycho? No? Well now you do, and this is what he looks like.

Personally I think he looks great, it isn't buried three feet thick in make-up but has enough on to change his look enough to be recognizable, excellent.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Iron Man V's Thor!

Oh my... Every time I see a new clip I just want to see this more.... Stop reading and start watching!

The Filmmason - Classic Of The Week - King Of The Zombies

During World War 2, a small plane off the south coast of America is low on fuel and blown off course by a storm. Guided by a faint radio signal, they crash land on an island. The passenger, his manservant and the pilot take refuge in a mansion owned by a doctor. The easily-spooked manservant soon becomes convinced the mansion is haunted by zombies and ghosts.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Filmmason Interview - Sean Whalen

The filmmason: Sean, it’s a great pleasure to get to talk to you and thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions today.

Sean Whalen:  No problem.  Thanks for thinking of me.

TF: With a career starting in 1990 as a fast food manager on an episode of the Ferris Bueller TV show, to shows such as, Grace Under Fire, Friends, Lois & Clark, La Femme Nikkita or even Nash Bridges. As an actor, how do you approach each new role and keep it unique?

SW: Well, being a character actor you do get to do all kinds of roles.  Luckily I had training in comedy and drama.  The truth is you can only come up with what you find interesting in the character as written.  It all starts with the script and then you bring yourself to each role.  I had coaches for the first several years of auditioning to teach me what  to look for in a script and help me avoid some of my personal bad habits.  Then after a while you grow more mature and hone your instincts and trust that they work for each role.  The uniqueness comes from the script and your life experiences.

TF: The first film I saw that you were a huge part of was, People Under The Stairs. Roach was an amazing character to watch, take us through a typical day on set for you?

SW: I would get to the set, change into my rags, then go straight to make up, where Michelle Buhler and Denise Dellavalle would do my make up and slowly and painstakingly put on my finger extensions.  Then Barabara Olvera, did my hair.  It was these three super cool women giving you attention for a couple hours… not bad!  Then I would wait in my dressing room until needed.  Then whatever I shot that day would be purely reactive as I had no lines due to my tongue being cut out.  I would pop in the prosthetic cut off tongue and go for it.  The prosthetic kept me from talking so I could react doing improv lines but you would never understand me due to the prosthetic.  We s was always calm, kind, and quiet.  Made my first feature film experience a blast.

TF: Moving from Wes Craven on to Tim Burton in Batman Returns, in the small but recognizable
role of the paperboy. Apart from Michael Gough, did you get to meet any of the other cast?  

SW: Unfortunately, no.  Minor players, but no scenes with the biggies.  Michael and I had a day where we flubbed our lines for an hour.  Tim was super cool and realized it was the writing… not us.  When he changed it, we were good.

TF: Sean, I feel I know you well enough now to let you in on a little secret. I really like Waterworld. You played a character called Bone, how was your experience on the set, was there as much gossip about the film on set as there was in the press? 

SW: Whenever you are on a set, you are isolated from media coverage and gossip.  You are there to do a job and you just do it.  It was a blast.  I got to bring my wife and we had a week vacation in Hawaii.  They had me do jetski training for a whole half a day.  Well it took me five minutes to learn it as I had done it before and then I had the rest of the day to jetski as wildly as I wanted.  Couldn’t ruin it because it was supposed to be post apocalyptic anyway! 

TF: 1996 brought us Twister with Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton. Did you get to see the finished film before the public, or did you see it for the first time with an audience? 

SW: Due to the special effects we saw it for the first time at the premiere.  It was so overwhelming.  There was four months of your life onscreen.  When it was over, I remember Helen and I leaning forward at the same time and we caught each other down the row.  She said, “Either that was the worst thing I have ever seen or the coolest.  I can’t tell yet.”  I responded, “That’s exactly how I feel.”  

TF: Your body of acting work is spread even across film and TV in almost every genre, in a perfect world what would be the project of a lifetime for you? 

SW: I think being on a television show with a great crew and cast doing comedy.  With a lot of improvisation as well.  There is nothing like a director yelling ,”Cut” and hearing the cast and crew bust out laughing because you were so funny.

FM: Of course you don’t just limit yourself to acting, you also write and direct,  do you find working with such a wide range of amazingly talented directors and writers has inspired you to pursue these areas?  

SW: Yes, and also the reality of the business.  It’s changing so much that to just be an actor these days is sometimes not enough.  I remember why I got into this business and that was for two reasons that had nothing to do with performing.  It was to meet new people and to do different projects.  I can fulfil that with all aspects of entertainment.  I’m now producing as well.  A good friend has told me for years I would be great at it… now I know what he means!  Lol

FM: Which role of yours stands out as the one you are most recognised for?  

SW: Roach, from PUTS and the AARON BURR milk commercial directed by Michael Bay.

FM: So what do your fans have to look forward to in future, where can we go to see more Sean?

SW: Well, I am starting to go out on the convention circuit, so I’ll get to meet them finally in person.  Also, I am writing, producing and starring in some video shorts that I post every month and I have a couple of features that I am doing the same.  Currently I am in the film THE FP which just got released in the states and am shooting two films this month.  WET AND RECKLESS a comedy with Lucas Till (X Men First Class) and SMALL TIME with Chris Malone (LAW AND ORDER: SVU) and directed by Joes Surnow, creator of the TV show 24.

FM: Sean, I think I’ve stolen enough of your time today, I really appreciate the time you have spent  with us today, your fans and I can’t wait to see where you pop up next.

SW: Hey, I’m flattered you wanted the interview..  Sometimes I still feel like the little dorky kid from Maryland or the suburban father and husband, so when someone thinks of me, it’s flattering.  Keep your eyes peeled.  I will be doing some more cool stuff in the future.  Thanks and have a great day.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Filmmason - Films I Love - The Night Flier

In this series of videos I will be talking about the films that I love, across all genres and ages. You might see some films on here that you hate or love as well, feel free to let me know either way!

New Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

The new Japanese trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man adds just enough new footage to make it worth while watching.

It adds a few cool new shots and expands on a few more elements which I've always wondered about, like, how Aunt May reacts to Peter turning up with bruises and cuts all the time.

I'm really loving the look of this, I hope they don't drop the ball.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jurassic Park Footage Unearthed!

I still remember seeing this for the first time and what a jaw dropping moment that first dino scene was. Every time I get a Spielberg film on DVD (or Blu-ray) as much as I love all the interviews or making -of's, I really wish the mighty beard would sit down and do a commentary track.

That is never going to happen, so here is the next best thing, a few minutes of watching the master at work, very cool.

What Could Have Been - Darkman

Why did I never hear of this? Apparently it didn't even air, and watching it, its no wonder. Terrible acting and a terrible script are made all the more worse by cheap production values and terrible effects.

As cool as a weekly Darkman TV show would have been, this needed major work, which clearly they did.t want to do. What a shame.

The Filmmason - Digital V's film

If you have even a passing interest in film, you may find this interesting.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Robocop Remake

I get forgetting that this is actually happening, after so many false starts this project is getting closer and closer to rolling cameras.

The latest news to filter down from OCP is an interesting list of people circling roles for the film, as to how this information came about is any one's guess, so take each name with a beach ball sized grain of salt.

Actors such as Edward Norton, Gael Garcia Bernal,  Rebecca Hall, and Sean Penn are the names being tossed around at the moment. Personally all I want to see is who is going to play this fine chap pictured above.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nightbreed - The Cabal Cut

Now this one snuck up on me. I had heard rumblings in the past, but thought it would never come about, but it looks like a lot of Nightbreed fans are going to be very happy.

Sadly everything isn't perfect, the missing footage that was thought to be tucked away safely, is either tucked away VERY safely, or is now lost forever. But video tapes exist of a cut that is around an hour longer then what we have seen so far.

Barker is promising a fully restored Blu-ray and DVD release, no doubt packed full of goodies, BUT how good are these VHS elements? Even if they were pristine, its still VHS.

Anyway, while we ponder that little problem (hopefully we will get the original cut as well restored and released with it), when Barker means fully restored, he really means it, as you can see by the video above, he has gotten his old friend Doug to come in and re-dub his lines, I didn't even know his lines were re-dubbed at the last minute by another actor, listening to the new vocals, it almost sounds wrong, even though its right, if that makes sense.

Anyway, more info as we get it...

Gary Ross Is Rich

This is Gary Ross, have a close look at him. Got it? Good, this is what it looks like to have to much money.

Gazza has turned down the directing duties on Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire. The Hunger Games was only his third film as director.

I will go on record now that this decision will rank up there with Alec Baldwins decision to turn down more Jack Ryan films.

Jaws On Blu-Ray

Mark your calenders fish fans, Jaws is coming to Blu-ray on August the 14th. And boy does it look like we are in for a treat, fully restored from the original negative (as you can see by the video above, it was a painstaking process) 7.1 sound and an boat load of extras, including the incredible Jaws documentary 'The Shark Is Still Working'.

As excited as I am for this release, and the forth coming Indiana Jones release later in the year, in the back of my mind it always annoys me that Spielberg won't be doing a commentary track, not now, not ever. I respect his reasons, but as a rabid fan, I want my commentary Steven!

With a little bit over four months to wait, you can just sit quietly in your favourite Blu-ray retail store and quietly hum the Jaws theme while you wait, I'm sure they won't mind.

What Could Have Been - The Munsters

I find this sort of stuff fascinating, here is 15 minutes of the un-aired pilot for The Munsters. Apart from it being in colour you will notice that apart from Grandpa and Herman, it has a completely different cast.

The feel of the show seems a touch darker, and the addition of colour adds so much more to the production, I'm not sure if it was a budget decision to change to B&W, but its strange to change the look of the show so dramatically for the second pilot.

And you have to wonder why they got as far as shooting a pilot before they realised that half the cast wouldn't work, even going so far as to change the name to Herman's wife to the now more familiar 'Lilly'.

Whatever the reasons for the changes, what we ended up getting turned into an iconic show which is about to get a new and more serious reboot very soon, but it's always fun to think about what could have been.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weird Ass, Bad Ass Poster

No one can deny that Danny Trejo has a frown that's impossible to turn upside down, but what the hell's wrong with his 14 year old boys arms?

Haggard face - Check!
Hairy ass kicking legs - Check!
Silky smooth girl arms - Double check!

Lets hope the film is more bad ass then his mystifying Photoshopped arms.


I'm speechless, I can't put into words just how much I love how fucked up j-horror is. Here id the official blurb, like you need someone to tell you to watch this!

“While conducting experiments to create “the perfect boobs” a group of doctors are transformed into Evil Mutant Creatures with an unstoppable hunger for BOOBS! See our hot action women fight to keep their perfect breasts out of the evil doctors’ mutant hands!!!”

Total Recall Stuff

Man, now thats an action shot, you can almost smell of the anger of the fans as Colin tries in vain to convince everybody this isnt just a knock off of the original.

Pac-Man The Movie?

I love it when fan made films like this kick so much arse. Clearly Steelhouse Studios dropped some cash into this for Mr. Man to gobble, but it's paid off with an awesome show piece.

Who would have thought a yellow ball munching around a maze chased by ghosts could be this entertaining to watch. Of course it helps that Pac moves like Sonic and the ghosts look awesome.

Check it out and let us know if you would pay to see this on the big screen.

Ben Kingsley In Talks For Iron Man 3

Ben is top of the list for choice of bad guys at the moment for the new, Shane Black directed Iron Man film.

As much as everyone would LOVE to see him play the Mandarin, word has it, he won't be the villain in this film.

Latino-review broke the news last month the the plot for the third film will be loosely based on the Warren Ellis series called Extremis.

Of course this could all be stuff and nonsense, we won't really know for a few more months yet, but it's fun to speculate.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Yes, you read correctly, as I get back into the Filmmason blogging frame of mind I plan to start interviewing people again, if you skip back a bit in the blog history, you will find a nice selection of interviews from people such as scream queen Brinke Stevens to SPX wizz Howard Berger.

I have put out the word and so far two has responded, one is an editor of a current magazine I'm sure most of you have read at some stage of your lives, the other is a FX legend on the large and small screen. Keep your eyes peeled! Post your guesses below.....

*UPDATE* Three more people have agreed to interviews, one is an actor with a ton of genre work under his belt.

One is a world class SFX artist and the third is a director and I can guarantee at least one of his films will be in your top ten films ever. Hohoho, it feels like Christmas.

Lockout - First 5 Minutes

Okay, here is the first five minutes of the awesome looking Lockout, staring Australian Guy Pearce. It hits cinemas the 13th of this month. I really hope this does well, it has a neat 'Escape From New York' vibe that I'm really digging.

A Fantastic Fear Of Everything Trailer

A few days ago comic genius, Simon Pegg tweeted this trailer for his up coming film and it looks amazing. It looks like Pegg is getting a chance to stretch his acting musscles, as well as giving his already ripped comic ones a good work out.

What do you think of this side of Pegg, do we want more of this, or more films like Hot Fuzz & Shaun Of The Dead.

The Avengers Trailer

Yes, okay, I'm a bit late to the party, but who doesn't want to watch this one more time. I'm really getting worried about this film, not because of what I've seen, don't get me wrong, everything I've seen so far is amazing, I'm just worried that the director will have trouble maintaining this pace for 120 minutes.

JW is a uber talented writer, and is great at juggling a large ensemble cast, on television. When it comes to the silver screen he has had less success, and that's being kind. I hope my fears will be blown through the back of my skull in a few weeks when it opens and we can all sit around and laugh about how this will push DC into a Justice League film, which is what everyone really wants.

X-Men First Class 2

After much humming and haring, Fox has set a date to commence film of the sorta anticipated sequel. With cameras to roll in January, they avoid any conflicts with the shooting of Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire, with one of their X-Stars.

Jenny Lawrence is signed for both films, and originally the X-Sequel was set to film at the same time, strangely Fox changed its shooting dates, I say strange because Jen was signed to X-Men first and would have legally been forced to flash her mutant powers before catching fire, and studios usually like to fuck with one another.

My guess it was a move to keep the actor happy and possibly avoid any tension on set due to roles lost or whatever might arise.

Captain America 2

April the 4th 2014 is the official release date for the Captain's second film. It makes me laugh how studios just set dates now and no matter the concessions made, rush to make that date. It kinda reminds me of a scene from the original Die Hard where one of the bad guys is doing something with a ton of wires, some delicate fiddly work, his brother arrives and starts chainsawing the thing so the other brother has to rush as fast as he can. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? No?

Anyway. It seems as though we aren't going to get any more adventures in the past for Mr. Rodgers, I'm guessing it will be set post events of The Avengers film, quite what it will include is any ones guess, but I'm sure Marvel and their chainsaw will ensure it gets done one way or another.

My Blu-Ray Collection

So, I'm slowly eBaying my DVD's off and using the proceeds to fund building a Blu-Ray collection. It started well, the Sony player I bought came with the original Star Wars trilogy.

Since then I've added Bladerunner final cut, Dune, Sherlock Holmes, The first four Batman films, The Thing, Pirates 4, Conan (original), Braveheart, Ghostbusters, Big Trouble In Little China and the Bourne trilogy.

Not a bad start, what else do you guys and girls recommend?

Mike Wallace Dies

60 Minutes reporter, Mike Wallace dies at 93.

Poster - Looper

The Time travel film 'The Looper' gets a cool poster showing Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Bruce Willis make up, creepy :)

The Filmmason - All About Ghostbusters

I love films and I love talking about them, let me know if I've missed something important about The Ghostbusters.

The Filmmason - First Look - Ted

Ted is coming, looks interesting, the trailer I was watching is below.

The Filmmason - First Look - Snow Shark

Here we go with a terrible looking independent horror film, funny idea though, check out the trailer I watched below.

The Filmmason - I'm Right & You're Wrong - Texas chainsaw Massacre (2003)

I feel some people hold older classics to close to their hearts, lets look at the truth about this one.

The Filmmason - I'm Right & You're Wrong - The Mummy (1999)

Some people hate stephen sommer's Mummy movies, I tell you why thats just silly.

Taking The Bullet - The 7 Adventures Of Sinbad

Oh dear.

I was expecting quaint with terrible rubber monsters from this recent (2010) effort.

Staring Patrick (Starship Troopers) Muldoon as Sinbad, it's a shocking modern take on an old classic.

Much can be said about modernisation of classic stories, but this is just awful, terrible acting, effects and plot made this a chore to sit through.

Once was enough and I pray I'm never put in a position to have to watch it again, I hope in taking this bullet for all of you, I have saved you the tears of viewing this yourself.

Good Morning!

Well, after some time away I think it's time to get back to blogging.

This time I'm going to include video blogs for a bit of fun, and as an occasional treat (maybe 1 a week) a classic film from the vaults.

I'll still be reporting any film news that I find interesting and/or funny, but it's the blog commentaries that I will be concentrating on.

If you have any request for segments, articles or just comments on what you've seen so far, please feel free to comment, I'd love to hear from you.

The Filmmason - First Look - Total Recall (2012)

I have a look at the new Total Recall trailer.